Uses of Class

Packages that use TokenType   

Uses of TokenType in

Constructors in with parameters of type TokenType
FontStyleConfigurationOption(java.lang.Class<? extends KreatorSyntaxKit> syntaxKit, TokenType tokenType)

Uses of TokenType in jsyntaxpane

Fields in jsyntaxpane declared as TokenType
 TokenType Token.type

Methods in jsyntaxpane that return TokenType
static TokenType TokenType.valueOf(java.lang.String name)
          Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
static TokenType[] TokenType.values()
          Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.

Methods in jsyntaxpane with parameters of type TokenType
 SyntaxStyle SyntaxStyles.getStyle(TokenType type)
          Return the style for the given TokenType
 void SyntaxStyles.put(TokenType type, SyntaxStyle style)

Constructors in jsyntaxpane with parameters of type TokenType
Token(TokenType type, int start, int length)
          Constructs a new token
Token(TokenType type, int start, int length, byte pairValue)
          Construct a new part of pair token

Uses of TokenType in jsyntaxpane.lexers

Methods in jsyntaxpane.lexers with parameters of type TokenType
 SimpleRegexLexer SimpleRegexLexer.putPattern(TokenType type, java.lang.String regex)
protected  Token DefaultJFlexLexer.token(TokenType type)
          Create and return a Token of given type.
protected  Token DefaultJFlexLexer.token(TokenType type, int pairValue)
          Create and return a Token of given type and pairValue.
protected  Token DefaultJFlexLexer.token(TokenType type, int start, int length)
          Create and return a Token of given type from start with length offset is added to start
protected  Token KReatorJFlexLexer.token(TokenType type, int tStart, int tLength, int newStart, int newLength)
protected  Token DefaultJFlexLexer.token(TokenType type, int tStart, int tLength, int newStart, int newLength)
          Helper method to create and return a new Token from of TokenType tokenStart and tokenLength will be modified to the newStart and newLength params